Time = Motion (Velocity) = Gravity = Mass = Energy = Consciousness Postulate, Part 1 or 2:
T=V=G=M=E=C sets the foundation for a Theory Of Everything:
Local time dilation equivalencies to motion or velocity:
Timing equivalences to motion-energy, and thus life energy:
Physical time and timing equating to physical motion:
Time equivalencies to gravity-motion-energy:
Time equivalencies to mass-gravity-motion-energy:
The Nature Of Time equivalencies:
Energy as free or stationary motion in alignment with gravity's inward flow:
Motion is the base form of our universe and is the potential of ALL:
Time and time dilation’s equivalencies to gravity-motion-mass:
Why time must dilate:
Time dilates up to instant travel:
The math of one dilated human breath:
Space travel above light speed:
Macroscopic physical motion mathematically requires both time and relative time dilation:
One breath of human activity:
No time or timing passage mathematically equates to zero motion or energy:
Conscious equivalencies in quantum physics:
Conscious equivalencies to time-timing:
Conscious equivalencies to motion-time-timing:
Conscious equivalencies to mass-timing-motion:
Conscious equivalencies to gravity-mass:
Conscious equivalencies to motion without force particles:
A unified theory of energy:
T=V=G=M=E=C sets the foundation for a Theory Of Everything:
T=V=G=M=E=C; or, Time equals Motion (Velocity) equals Gravity equals Mass equals Energy equals Consciousness! Energy can be converted into another form of energy of equal value, as classical and modern physics recognizes, and thus T=V=G=M=E=C!
Modern physics has sought long and unsuccessfully for a Theory Of Everything. But to find such a theory of all that is our universe-ALL, one must first recognize and understand the unity or entanglement, and true equivalencies, of all energy. Or to be most accurate, one must comprehend the true equivalencies of all motion, as motion is the most basic form of the all of energy! The all of a unified Theory Of Energy would simply be the only true possible source of a true physical Theory Of Everything being humanly comprehended. Without first recognizing the all of motion or energy, the all of the universe can not be fully understood. And without first understanding the all of our universe, an accurate Theory Of Everything is not possible.
Human beings are beginning to truly understand the common equivalencies of all that is energy, within our macroscopically measured quantum entangled universe. To truly comprehend what exerts or creates what is manifested as energy is needed to learn the all of energy. Most accurately, energy is any force of motion that physically affects other local or non-local physical bodies. And within modern physics recognizing the quantum entanglement of consciousness and the equivalencies between time dilation or timing expansion and motion or velocity dilation or expansion, the foundations for time equaling motion (velocity) equaling gravity equaling mass equaling energy equaling consciousness are undeniable!
Local time dilation equivalencies to motion or velocity:
Modern physics concludes that time is not constant, but relative. Time dilation or contraction is dilated or contracted relative to an outside observer or control, as well as relative to instant travel. And time or timing is dilated or contracted relative to the velocity of a comparative slower or faster moving body, resulting in a relative motion-energy force equivalency. Time or timing dilation is well proven experimentally. To the relative slower moving observer, the time or timing of life is dilated or stretched out like the velocity of one's faster motion. As one’s measure of motion is dilated or increased, and as compared to an outside observer’s velocity of motion, and while occurring over the same amount shared universal time, the faster moving traveler’s measure of time, or their sequencing or timing of life process, will be equivalently dilated. Or in other words, they will hold in return less comparative or relative time to physically act or live during their travel time. If their travel time ever became absolute instant travel, then they would have absolutely no time to physically act.
Physically measured time dilation holds an equivalency to the physical motion or velocity of a body, as compared to the maximum travel 'speed' of instant travel, as well as compared to a slower moving body. The physical motion or velocity of a part of the universe, as well as the velocity or motion of a body within a part of the universe, determines the individual internal timing or time dilation of that individual part of the universe or body, be it human or planetary. Thus, all physical motion or velocity holds an equivalent time dilation or physical internal timing dilation within it. As modern physics proves absolutely, but neglects to postulate or conclude exactly, time or the timing of all life and reality within an area of space is equivalent to the velocity of motion of all physical bodies within that area or space! The timing of any area within space determines the exact amount of overall energy available within any chosen local area of our universe. Time’s equivalent of physical motion that is less than instant travel must also be present for time or timing to be present; but, for a moment just consider the time or timing, and recognize time and timing as its’ own force of energy-motion. The mathematics and significance of instant travel will be later considered in detail.
Timing equivalences to motion-energy, and thus life energy:
The time or timing variances that must occur within local areas of our universe that move at different speeds of motion must always result is a timing dilation, if moving comparatively faster to another observer or control, and relative to instant travel. This simply means that less life processing can occur or less energy can be converted, moved or timed in areas of faster velocities of motion and resultant slower timing that is more time dilation. This also then means that within areas of our universe that move relatively slower than Earth’s overall motions, such as at the center areas of the Milky Way galaxy or the center of our entire universe, the timing of all life processes are relatively contracted, or speeded up in sequencing, when compared to Earth. This would include the timing of life processes of any and all humanoid beings, plants, planets, stars and all other physical and natural processes.
Clearly an intelligent species that could process, create and enact at a faster relative timing, has the potential to create more energy, motion, gravity, mass, conscious creation or time spent on the achievement of a single task, during the same lapsed universal time. If a human being lived in such a time contracted place, they could raise a family in a relatively shorter time. The same amount of overall energy or motion or time may be required; yet, within a space of relative time contraction, more overall energy or life could be manifested in the same lapsed universal time. The timing contracted quickened pace of life in slower moving areas, allows more energy to be amassed quicker. This potential for increased energy exchange would also be equally true of a star or solar system, as each would have a shorter relative lifespan that includes greater relative activity or energy exchange. Time is the span of motion that occurs over a lifetime or a period of a lifetime. The timing of life processes is the timing of life motions that occurs during the lifetime of a body or particle. And time and timing hold an equivalency to energy or motion, as time is motion-energy!
Physical time and timing equating to physical motion:
Physical time equating to physical motion or velocity, and thus to any other form of energy, may be harder to grasp for some. This is true simply because time has not been previously recognized as most simply being motion-energy. If physical motion is ever truly stopped or at zero, then time or the passage of the lifetime of, say an atom’s nucleus, must be truly equivalently stopped. Within a universe that is forever in expanding motion, time is forever expanding or equivalently moving forward. And, motion’s equivalent of time can be equated to energy itself; for, in any measure of energy, time or timing is always a factor. Likewise in any measure of time, motion is also always a factor, as they are equivalent!
Additionally, like motion and consciousness, time has no force particle associated with its’ energy or action or most simply motion. This is because time is motion; and, there is no force particle for motion, or consciousness! Time equating to motion or to the velocity of motion, itself equates to time itself holding in return an energy equivalency equal to any other. Physical time equaling physical motion is also a most important understanding, as it clarifies so much. There is no physical motion without physical time passing, and there is no physical time passage without physical motion moving. Time equates to the physical pattern of sequential motions that occur during a lifetime or universal time that is our whole universe's time or motions. Time and motion may vary locally; but, universal time or motion also is always ongoing everywhere universally. And so, there is measurable absolute universal time or motion always progressing, only forward, in motion-time; and, this is true even if there are also measurable timing dilation variations that occur locally and universally.
Time is the series or sequence of physical motions that happen in a particular order within a lifetime! The life, or motions of form and behavior, of all bodies and particles, human or quantum, celestial or biological, nuclear or chemical, all have a start and a finish that happens in a particular natural order of sequence and timing. All physical macroscopic or quantum motion has a motion-time that came just before it or initiated it; and as well, all physical motion has a motion-time that comes just after it or is initiated by the previous motion of particle or wave. Our universe started with a particular motion-time; and, our universe has progressed or grown in motion, time, energy, mass, gravity and consciousness ever since! Time or lifetime is the progressive order of physical motions that build upon themselves sequentially over a lifetime; whereas, time dilation sets the pace or frequency of life’s sequential motions or timing during one’s lifetime.
Time equivalencies to gravity-motion-energy:
Einstein equating accelerated motion or velocity to gravity is equally a valid equivalency of energy, just like time. Accelerated motion equating to gravity has also been well proved in modern physics, and was likewise accurately postulated and experimentally proved as such. But let’s not forget that all motion is kinetic energy, and even including slower motion. All motion is equivalent to gravity of an equal force. With enough kinetic motion or velocity, one can roll to the top of a hill, against the force of gravity and while gaining increased gravitational potential or energy. Then conversely, one can roll back down the hill, gaining more and more velocity, as the increased potential gravitational energy at the top of the hill, is converted back into increased kinetic energy or motion!
If accelerated motion is equivalent to a force of gravity, as has been experimentally proven, then time or the timing of life and physical processes also must be equivalent to a force of gravity! Gravity changes the motion or velocity of both particles and waves. In stronger gravity fields particles fall faster to the gravity source; and in a weaker gravity fields, particles or bodies fall slower in time, and so impact with relatively less velocity that is energy. Likewise, a rain drop that is timed to fall once a month is likely to do little, whereas the energy of an ongoing rapid sequence of raindrops for a month can move a mountainside. Additionally, a stronger gravity fields slows down the motion or velocity or frequency or energy of the oscillations of light waves; and, a weaker gravity fields cause an equivalent lesser change in the measured timing of light energy. Similarly, the light waves measured in areas of our universe that are expanding at slower timed rates of motion, hold in return more measured light energy or frequency when compared to areas of faster timed expansion. Time dilation itself changes equivalent to the amount of gravity present. Time or the lifetime of any natural process is shortened within any time contracted, slower moving areas or within areas of less gravity. The lifetime of all life is conversely time dilated and lifetime lengthened within any area of faster motions or greater gravity. Time and timing is equivalent to gravity, and motion and mass and energy and consciousness!
Time equivalencies to mass-gravity-motion-energy:
Time equating to mass comes simply within the above understandings, as mass equates simply to gravity and energy within many experimental proofs. A body of greater mass holds more gravitational force within it, as the thrust energy or motion required to escape the gravitational force of the body, must be equivalently greater to achieve escape velocity. An increased time duration or timing frequency of thrust motion-energy must be used to increase or expand the escape velocity and decrease or contract the escape time. Thrust energy or thrust motion is simply directional thrust that always requires an equal and opposite reaction. This time-mass-gravity-energy equivalency is again true for both particle and wave. The timing of light waves is slowed by bodies holding greater mass and thus equivalently greater gravity. Light wave frequency is equivalently slowed, or red shifted, again by gravity. Light wave energy is slowed and weakened by the expanding motions of our universe, and by the motion of a body moving away from us. Light frequency or energy is increased, or blue shifted, by motions moving in our direction. Hence time, mass, gravity and motion all hold equivalencies to energy, by another name.
A body of mass holds the gravity to attract other bodies to itself, at timed rates of velocity or motion, which move the other body to itself over periods of time or again motion. And thus mass, gravity, velocity and time hold experimentally measurable equivalencies to each other, without even including time dilation. Time dilation then by its own right holds equivalencies to mass, gravity, velocity, energy and consciousness. Gravity then, as a continuation of motion, is simply also a continuum of time. Time dilation is equivalent to mass and gravity, as the mass of a body is equated to the gravity that a body of mass produces; and, as the gravitational force a body produces is equated to the time dilation which that body produces. Time dilation and velocity are well proven experimentally to hold an equivalency. If E=MC2 is valid and mass is equivalent to energy, and if mass attracts through the force of gravity that happens as motion within time, then time, motion, gravity, mass and energy all equate.
The Nature Of Time equivalencies:
Time is what measures motion and motion’s velocity and frequency, as motion is what measures time or time’s motion and timing! Velocity is equivalent to time, because the velocity of any object in separate local relative motion, as well as the velocity of any portion of the universe, is exactly what determines the very Nature Of Time. The very Nature Of Time for any individual object in local relative motion is thus determined by its’ overall motions. The very Nature Of Time for any overall area of the universe is likewise locally determined by its’ local and universal motions!
Time is equivalent to energy within all that is noted above; and, within the fact that if energy is added to energy for more time, or at a faster timing, then more energy is amassed. The exact same is true for consciousness or conscious energy or intent, by the way! Time is also equivalent to velocity or motion; because, the overall time and the timing or frequency of energy thrusts determines the velocity of motion reached. Additionally, energy is equivalent to time within the fact that it takes more energy to move mass faster in relative time or timing; or thus, to move mass faster in relative velocity of motion. Again in a similar way, conscious enactment is also increased when one’s conscious motions or energies move faster or are paced faster, or takes place over more time.
Time itself is again most simply the progressive sequence of motions that happened within the lifetime of our universe. These are the motions of human and all other life over one's lifetime, be you human or animal or cell or star. These are the motions that presently always came after other past lifetimes or other past life motions, and that come before future motions of life. These are the past motions that have effectively taught human beings our present motions, which will in turn teach humanity our future human motions; and, these past motions then are what maintain our present motions, which will then become the entangled motion information that will maintain our future motions. This is time that presently always came only after other past times that were then past motions, and that will then come before any and all future motions. Once a motion within the life of our universe has physically moved, then time that is motion has equivalently moved. Whenever time passes, motion equivalently passes. Historic time and historic entangled information that is simply past motions can then not be undone or affected in any present way! More motion can be added to historic motions of universal time; but, past motions and time always remains absolute! Thus once life's motions have been lived, they are set in physical permanent absolute universal time of historic past motions that are time. Ever since our universe began it has been in motion that is the historic motions and time of our entire universe. Universal time would then be the historic and ongoing life and motions as timed by our whole universe.
All motion is motion, as even backwards or reversed motion is still simply motion, which is then still moving forward from the last move just before it; and thus, all motion, that is time, only moves forward! All motion is sequential motion, or sequential time! Undoing or reversing motion, time or energy, simply always requires more progressive sequential steps forward in motion, time and energy. For again, all time and motion always have a single universal history that can only continue to move forward. Therefore, nothing can move backwards in time, as all motion is motion that must hold a timed history of prior motions.
Some have predicted that time travel backwards in time could be possible related to Einstein theorizing light speed to be the point of maximum time dilation. Yet, light speed is far less than the true mathematical time dilation maximum of instant travel, as light photons take time to travel. To go backwards in time, one would have to be able to travel faster than instant travel, which would require one to arrive prior to leaving, or to have moved before moving. Faster motion than true instant travel is then a logical mathematical impossibility; and, time travel backwards in time is equally not possible! Additionally, one can not jump or skip forward in time, without moving through all the motions and time that come in-between, one additional motion or step at a time.
Energy as free or stationary motion in alignment with gravity's inward flow:
Energy itself must be understood as the affects or potential affects of either free or stationary opposing motions. All energy is motion, as all motion is potential or free energy. Free energy would be understood as any energy that is freely moving, such as fire or our universe’s accelerating expansion. Stationary energy would occur between such things as an atom's protons and neurons; or, two equally powered train engines at full trust, nose to nose facing each other on the same track, and going no where fast. Each opposing particle or train engine exerting tremendous force of motion in the direction of the other. Thus, each opposing motion is bound stationary with one another; stopped yet, always still in oppositional motion that exerts forever present and ongoing opposing stationary energy-motion at high levels.
Within this understanding of stationary energy simply being stationary motion, bound in extreme intensities on the atomic scale, comes the understanding of the true attractive flow or motion of gravity. Gravity itself can be correctly understood as the directional alignment of motion that is local to a mass of atoms, which themselves are simply bound in stationary motion that has an overall inward focus. Thus, the directional alignment of an atom's nucleus or any larger body of mass is always inward toward the center of the mass or atoms. Physical bodies of mass and thus motion always align gravity’s motion directionally inward directly towards the body's mass. Bound in mostly stationary motion that is all focused directly inward towards the center of the body’s mass, physical macroscopic objects gravitationally attract or hold the attractive force of gravity that is motion's equivalent.
Bodies of mass then are correctly recognized to be masses of atomic particles, which are all locked together in stationary motion. Motion that is again all focused to the center of the body’s mass. With this simple and correct understanding, gravity is then only a continuation of the inward flow of motion caused by bodies of mass within stationary motion. Gravity then acts like the flowing motion of a river or whirlpool, pulling all particles and waves into its’ directionally aligned inward flow. A massive body would then be understood to act almost like a drain in a pond; and, gravity would then be understood to be almost like the directional flow of water, all moving to the center drain, over a paced sequence of time.
Our universe’s most massive bodies, black holes, are in truth known quite literally to act like drain holes or sink holes. Black holes then are dense bodies that hold a very high inward directional stationary motion-energy wave that is focused directly inward to their understood core, as gravity. Black holes effectively drain or gravitationally attract for a near human eternity, directly into their extremely dense core. All massive bodies hold in return this same inward attractive force of motion, in relative proportion. The attractive force of gravity, like motion, mass, energy and conscious creation, are also all bound within a finite lifetime, as well as within a life-physical process timing or time dilation equivalency. Both time as a measure of life, and timing as a measure of life’s pace or sequencing, hold in return equivalencies to motion-gravity-mass-energy! Gravity is motion that amasses mass over time, which equates to motion is motion but motion is solid too!
Motion is the base form of our universe and is the potential of ALL:
Motion as both motion in motion, and as motion that can potentially become locked in a state of solidity within atomic, molecular and macroscopic forms and behaviors, is motion as absolute universal potentiality! Within the understanding of motion or wave that can become solid or particle being the most basic form of our universe-ALL, is then the recognition of energy and substance existing most fundamentally as motion that is ...always more potential. The reason our universe Holds In Return such extreme free potential is because our universe-ALL, within its' most basic present state, or form and behavior, is simply motion, quantum entangled conscious motion that guides forward life itself and so forms macroscopic existence within time.
Motion as our universe's most accurate description of what is the most fundamental form of our universe, also explains so very much more. Ever heard of the particle-wave duality of the quantum world! The particle-wave or solid-motion duality becomes Simple Relativity within the recognition of motion as our universe's most primary form and behavior. Therefore, within its' most primary form our universe is motion that interacts to become solid, or wave that potentially is a particle. There is duality of motion and solid or wave and particle within the more elemental quantum world; simply because, there is a duality that is solid, always arising from that which is motion. Particle that is motion within motion that is wave within wave that is particle in motion that is motion bound to motion within motion into particle that is still most fundamentally simply always motion.
Constant universal macroscopic motion can be humanly observed and measured within everything within our human world on Earth. Yet, observations or measurements over greater periods of time, or geographic time, may be needed to humanly measure the constant motion or change forever ongoing within all. Motion is always present in some form of motion or wave, free motion or solidly bound motion within motion that is easily observable, at least over the force of time that is motion. To macroscopic human beings, solid appears to come before motion, and thus appears more real or scientific; yet, presently it is the entanglement of motion that Holds In Return universal potential.
With our universe being motion within the form and behavior of again either, motion in motion, or as motion frozen or locked into aligned opposing directional forces acting together to form particles; then logically, humanity measures a quantum particle-wave duality within the quantum world. That is a quantum solid-motion duality that is also then well proven to be entangled with the conscious intention of human beings. Our universe is not most basically potential or potentiality; because, our physical universe is presently most basically motion that is consciously entangled, and that then is potential. Universal entangled motion that is always expanding or accelerating is our universe's motion potential for always more!
Time and time dilation’s equivalencies to gravity-motion-mass:
This understanding of energy being most simply only either free or stationary motion is crucial to understanding both time and energy. Some may have a hard time accepting the equivalency of time and energy, as time seems more ethereal or non-physical. To this science speaks clearly of the time component of all measurement, within the quantum measurement problem and all other scientific measurement. Energy measurement always holds in return a time equivalency. Empirical science clearly demands that an equivalent of thrust energy and time is required to maintain, increase or decrease velocity, within any measured motion-time calculation made using modern and classical physics. If mass is amassed to mass for more time, or at a faster timing, then more mass or energy is amassed. If an energy source is expelled for more time or at a faster timing, then more energy is depleted as more thrust motion or velocity is created. A more massive body’s stronger gravity can cause a local object to move at a faster timed approach velocity, occurring over a shorter time period, and causing greater time dilation. A faster timed object can pass by a massive gravitational body, whereby a slower timed object of equal mass passing by at equal distance would be gravitationally pulled into the massive body.
Sure motion is always also included; yet, if you speed up the massive body to near equal to the faster passing object's velocity, then the passing object’s added motion would be canceled out by the massive body’s near equivalent motion. The passing time of the formerly faster object would equivalently be decreased to a near zero rate. The equalized fast motion of both bodies would change the gravitational pull between them; and, with the time of passage slowed down, the larger object would have more time to gravitationally pull the formerly faster object in. Again, if the passing object is slowed so that it takes more time to pass the massive body, then the massive body holds in return more time and energy to gravitationally attract the passing object. Yes, higher kinetic energy is also included into the faster passing body; but again for this moment, understanding the nature of time is the focus.
Why time must dilate:
Time or time dilation is absolutely bound to motion or to the velocity of motion, making motion and time into a true continuum that occurs in any space or inert reference frame. There can be no time without motion, and there is no motion without time. Time can be measured only by motion, as motion’s velocity is always measured in time. The exact reason that time dilates or why time must dilate is motion! Time dilates more and more as motion moves faster and faster; because, if the traveling motion between two points ever became instant, then no time would pass and time dilation would become infinite for that instant alone. Time is equivalent to motion or velocity, which are equivalent to gravity, mass, energy and consciousness too!
As motion’s velocity increases, time’s dilation increases; or the time, or more accurately the timing that is the sequencing of life process, becomes relatively slowed down as compared to the outside slower moving observer. As well, to the internal observer, when they compare their own faster motion to a slower moving outside observer or control, their internal processes or timing will also be measured to be comparatively slowed or dilated. As motion’s velocity increases, the time allowed to act or take action while traveling between two points decreases, which appears as relative time dilation when compared to the outside slower moving observer or control. This simply means that a faster moving human being would have physically less time to do anything; such as, to learn something new or to simply breath and age, as Einstein’s twin thought problem predicted. Therefore, time must physically pass, or the timing of physical life and life process or motions will always occur, at a relative timing dilation that is equivalent to the comparative velocity of motions of the human being or object. Timing dilation must be present during any actual physically measurable motion that is less than instantaneous travel between two physically separate points; and whereby, absolute instant travel would dilate time absolutely!
Time dilates up to instant travel:
A simple way to comprehend this truly simple point is to start at instant travel and work back. As a starting, instant travel would again be moving without any measurable motion that could be timed in any way, or with zero physical travel time from say, point A to point B. This one act or action would again occur in zero amount of time, if true instant travel occurred. But at any velocity slower than instant travel, some equivalent amount of time must pass to achieve the same act or action; and yet, the act or action of traveling from point A to point B remains constant as a single act or action. The distance between the Earth and the Moon remains relatively constant, and the action of traveling between them can be understood to be a single act. Thus, if traveling to the Moon instantly would take zero time and allow for zero physical actions; then, traveling at a slower velocity to the Moon would take some amount of measurable and calculable equivalent of time, and would allow for some acts or actions to take place during the traveling time. The slower the velocity of travel, the more acts or actions can take place while traveling.
Now just reverse this single act or action idea; and, recognize that the travel time becomes more contracted or shorter, or closer to instant travel, as the velocity of motion is expanded or dilated. And recognize that at the same time that velocity increases back in the direction of instant travel, all that can be done between point A and B must be done in less and less overall relative time. So as the velocity of motion increases, then the time to complete the single act or action of traveling between point A and B must equivalently decrease. Or, the one act is relatively stretched-out to encompass the whole travel time wave, which as measured physically by human beings is time dilation.
The math of one dilated human breath:
Say the standard traveling velocity from the Earth to the Moon took two human breaths of time measurement. If the traveling velocity is speeded up so that only one human breath is measured; then to the slower moving observer, the faster traveler would have only enough time to take one relative slow and lasting breath. Or, the faster traveler’s time would be so dilated in relative comparison, that only one breath of life could be achieved during the equivalent distance or wave of travel. The faster traveler’s single breath would be relatively dilated to take the whole trip, as compared to the slower traveler.
This point is crucial; for, the faster traveler may arrive sooner, but with always less time to act or do anything while traveling. As the faster traveler is moving, less time is allowed between two points. Thus as one moves faster, their personal ability to take any action is lessened; or, the time it takes to do anything is relatively dilated in alignment with their faster travel motion and shorter travel time, and as compared to the slower traveler. The ability to act or move is the ability to exert energy; and so with time dilation, one’s ability to exert energy or move is slower paced; and so, less energy can be exerted or utilized when time is dilated, as time is equivalent to energy. If you lit a candle, on as faster journey less of the candle would burn during the trip, and this is relative time dilation. In an instant of zero time, no candle energy could be burned; and, this is time dilating absolutely to the point of no motion being allowed within no time. No time equals no motion equals no energy. Whenever in a state of greater motion-velocity that is greater kinetic energy, there is less available energy to act or process life internally; and conversely, life holds greater potential life energy whenever in a state of slower overall physical traveling motion-velocity.
The achievement of actions that at slower velocities could be done multiple times, will at faster or greater velocities of motion, and thus in faster or less time, become comparatively dilated to take the entire faster travel time. Or again, the faster traveler’s individual ability to act during the faster travel time is relatively slowed or dilated, as more traveling motion happens during any single act! The ability to act or carry out any action between point A and point B, when traveling instantly must be zero, mathematically; and so, one’s timing then must equally mathematically be dilated to infinite, as time's sequencing and thus time must stop! Thus, at instant travel one’s ability to act or take any physical action while traveling is contracted to zero. Or in other words, between point A and B you would not have any physical time to take any physical action or to otherwise physically act in any way. As your time to act or even breathe would be contracted to zero, if your travel time between point A and B ever became truly instantaneous or zero.
At this instant travel point then, your processes would be dilated to a processing sequence of infinite time dilation, leaving you with no time for process or action or motion to occur during the journey. Infinite physical time dilation is then equivalent to zero physical time available to physically act or take any action in any physical way. At speeds of measurable motion that are less then that of instant travel, one’s ability to act or take action is less dilated; or in other words, they have some time to act while traveling from point A to point B. Again, one’s ability to act is expanded as their travel time is slowed and lengthened; and, this then is time contraction. The potential for greater energy conversion in areas of slower relative physical traveling motion, and thus less relative time dilation, is also undeniable and simple math. Likewise, more conscious enactment, or the energy of conscious creation or intent, can occur when one has more time and less time dilation, when compared to a conscious being that has less time and more time dilation.
Space travel above light speed:
A solid object or spacecraft that is in motion within the vacuum of space will continue to move in the same direction and at the same velocity until a force is acted upon it. Any object or craft in the vacuum of outer space that is in motion will continue within and guided by its' present direction and speed, unless acted upon. And thus, any action of force or motion upon the space object or craft will alter its' motion, or the Laws Of Physics are invalid. The motion of any object in the vacuum of space becomes instantly presently conserved, whenever no additional outside force is being applied to it. Therefore, any force of aligned rear thrust will or most accurately must accelerate the spacecraft's or object's forward velocity; because, for every action there must be an equal and opposite reaction.
Traveling in space above light speed thus becomes absolutely required as very possible, if every action requires an equal and opposite reaction, and if light speed is not instant travel. Light speed is not instant travel and photons do not see or experience all time; because, light photons travel at a velocity that takes time, and thus is not instant travel. Instant travel, which would be traveling between two separate physical points in the instant of no time, or just below instant travel, is the true maximum speed limit for physical travel in a particle form. At true instant travel, physical travel could only occur in a wave form.
Sure, light photons themselves may not be able to travel above light speed; and thus, the maximum speed limit for light photons is light speed. Human genus has broken previous known speed maximums, above that of natural phenomena or living organisms. Light photons may not be able to propel a human made spacecraft above light speed. If the engine producing light energy and thrust motion does not include some type of channeling device, then the light photons emitted instantly will hold no force of thrust above light speed. This is because at velocities above light speed, light photons would not truly hold any velocity of motion until after they had already been emitted instantly, or without any motion or thrust that occurs over time. Thus, photons would not hold any physical thrust motion until after they had left the spacecraft's engine and already moved away from any craft traveling above light speed; and again thus, requiring some type of channeling device to produce thrust motion above light speed.
Any motion of rear thrust or propulsion, as an action, must cause an equal and opposite reaction in a spacecraft traveling within the vacuum of space. Any traveling velocity less than instant travel will be accelerated by any rear thrust, if the Laws Of Physics are accurate within the macroscopic world. A spacecraft traveling below or above light speed relative to an outside observer will, relative to itself, be stationary. Any rear thrust motion must create an equal and opposite reaction, or more forward accelerated motion that is then instantly conserved.
There is no true mass expansion or length contraction, as the instant emission of light photons itself, explains light speed always being measured as constant and unchanged by macroscopic motions. Because, macroscopic motion does not move within any true instant of no time passage that is then also no motion passage. Therefore, the macroscopic motions of the photon emitter or receiver will not change the measured constant speed of light; and, the mass is always conserved within the object in motion for itself alone. Relative to another slower moving object, the object in motion does holds more kinetic energy that is not true mass expansion; but again, the mass of an object or spacecraft in motion is always instantly conserved for itself, as well as for its' engine and its' potential for more acceleration or thrust motion.
At higher velocities near or above light speed, the speeds of velocity are larger as compared to natural macroscopic velocities. And so at around one-hundred-eighty-six-thousand miles per second, macroscopically produced thrust goes only a comparative little way. But again, up to the point just before the instant travel 'speed' of motion without time, every little bit of rear angled thrust must add forward velocity, if the macroscopic Laws Of Physics hold true for macroscopic objects or crafts. And therefore, possible macroscopic velocity is not limited by light speed, except that it would take a lot of added macroscopic velocity to reach and go above light speed; but mathematically and logically, it would take less than infinite energy or motion. And thus, space travel far, far above light speed is possible, especially with an engine that can use some near light speed quantum propulsion system.
Macroscopic physical motion mathematically requires both time and relative time dilation:
At macroscopically measurable velocities, there is always some measured relative time dilation that occurs, as well as the passage of time or lifetime. You can not move physically from point A to point B without physical time passing; and thus, without some degree of relative time dilation or contraction occurring. This macroscopically measurable timing dilation becomes progressively less and less, at velocities that progress slower and slower than that of instant travel. Infinite physical timing dilation must mathematically happen during any instant of no time passage; just the same as, progressively less time dilation must mathematically happen at progressively slower relative velocities of macroscopic physically measurable motion. Therefore and again, the single act or action of traveling between two points that would take a longer amount of time at slower velocities, will at faster velocities mathematically allow less actions or acts to be completed, which equates to time dilation as computed by human beings.
Sure when you consider the whole journey it is easy to understand that less can be done on a fast jet flight, relative to the amount of physical human life that can be experienced on a slow walk of the same distance. Recognize then that at shorter intervals along the whole journey, proportionately equivalent degrees of time dilation occur; yet, it is just easier to recognize such events when viewed as a whole. This is time dilation, as time is most simply motion. Thus, as motion is dilated or motion’s velocity is increased, then time must also dilate; or, the timing in between physical events must increase and get more spaced-out, relative to the more spaced-out or spread-out or elongated or dilated motion; and thus, equivalently relative to the shortened travel time and dilated timing. As time elapses during faster motion, the physical sequencing of time itself becomes more spaced-out, equivalently proportionate to the increase in the velocity of motion. For again, at faster velocities of travel, less can be done while traveling between two points; because, the relative sequencing of every motion is comparatively and equivalently dilated or further spaced-out by motion’s comparative accelerated velocity. Actions while moving are spread-out or dilated so as to be achieved over more spread-out motion, whenever motion is faster. The reverse is logically and factually true also, as there is a relative time contraction at relative slower velocities of motion; whereby, more actions or motions or life may occur, whenever moving comparatively slower in traveling velocity.
One breath of human activity:
A way to conceptualize time dilation is to again first recognize that infinite time or timing dilation would occur if one traveled instantly or during an instant of zero time. This is because no macroscopic physical act or action can take place in an instant of no time passage; or in other words, no time-motion could pass or happen when the sequencing of physical time is dilated to infinity. During an instant of zero physical time or physical motion passage, no human breath could occur. No macroscopic physically measurable time, equals no macroscopic physically measurable motion or action, as time is motion and as motion is time. No energy-motion of any kind could occur during any instant of no time, as time is equivalent to motion-energy. But again, at any traveling velocity that is less than instant, or in other words during any traveling motion that occurs over some period of physically measurable time, then some physical action or acts of physical motion or energy exchange can and will occur.
So within this understanding, one could travel at a velocity that allowed someone to travel between point A and point B during the time it took to take one normal human breath. They could then do one human breath’s worth of activities while traveling between point A and B. At half this speed, two human breath’s worth of human action could be achieved. At one quarter speed, four breaths; and, at one hundredth speed, one hundred breaths of human actions can be done. The number of human breaths achievable would continue to increase as the traveling velocity slows down, as common sense dictates. For the slower traveler, more can be done or achieved during the entire journey; and, for the faster traveler, less human acts or actions are possible, when traveling over the same macroscopic physical distance or space.
If one’s traveling velocity from point A to point B was ever zero, then again an effective infinite amount of human activities could be achieved, before ever reaching point B or even leaving point A; that is, if one’s velocity to point B was zero. An entire human life time of activities or breathes could be achieved prior to reaching point B, if one’s traveling velocity to point B remained at zero; and, the opposite is also true. If one’s traveling velocity became infinite so that no physical time passed during the instant of travel, then one’s available time to breathe or act in any way would equivalently be zero! This is the exact reason why time must and does dilate; because at instant travel, time as motion and energy must stop! And, the ‘velocity’ of instant travel is quite a bit faster than light speed, as even Einstein understood without exact recognition.
No time or timing passage mathematically equates to zero motion or energy:
Thus and again, physical human action and life processes, or human motions, can only occur over periods of physically measurable time, as motion and time are one. Only when some time is included can physical motion be physically measured or observed by macroscopic humanly beings. Whenever any measurable physical time is included, then time’s equivalent of physical motion is included. And, whenever macroscopically measurable physical motion and thus physical time are included, then an equivalency of relative physical time and timing dilation is also mandated. Because at instant travel, physical time must stop as the sequence of physical timing must dilate to infinite. The fact that no physical energy can be converted or exchanged during a period of zero physical time, also demonstrates the equivalency between time, motion and energy. Infinite potential energy being converted or exchanged during a period of infinite time likewise proves mathematically the equivalency between time, motion and energy.
Please see Part 2 of 2 of this Time = Motion (Velocity) = Gravity = Mass = Energy = Consciousness Postulate for the rest of the equivalencies, and including:
Conscious equivalencies in quantum physics:
Conscious equivalencies to time-timing:
Conscious equivalencies to motion-time-timing:
Conscious equivalencies to mass-timing-motion:
Conscious equivalencies to gravity-mass:
Conscious equivalencies to motion without force particles:
A unified theory of energy:
Motion, gravity, mass, energy and conscious creation are all always bound within a finite lifetime; as well as, also always being bound within a physical-life process timing equivalency that arises from the guidance or trajectory of entangled past life motions. Both time as a measure of life or a portion of life, and timing as a measure of life’s pace or sequencing, hold in return equivalencies to motion, as does gravity, mass, energy and consciousness too. Therefore, if you want to find a Theory Of Everything, then you simply must first include motion, in all of its’ now recognized and defined motions or energy forms, including time and consciousness; because, Time equals Motion (Velocity) equals Gravity equals Mass equals Energy equals Consciousness; or, T=V=G=M=E=C!
By JC Worthington, RN 6-16-15
True independence building and blessings to the free motions of Rick Pam and the entire Stanford University Physics Department for the Pam Expansion motions and time shared to fulfill my conscious need.