Mikko wrote:I.e., any spherically symmetric space is conformally flat (except possibly at the centre).
Not true - as seemingly acknowledged by yourself below!:
"...Note that in Swatzschild's metric the Weyl tensor is non-zero and the spacetime is not conformally flat."
To resolve such apparent obvious contradiction I could guess you are meaning to imply above that non-zero Weyl curvature in SM is somehow an 'artifact' of SM which can be legitimately erased by resort to ISM. No other interpretation quite makes any sense to me. Assuming that guess is correct, it imo is equivalent to saying a non-zero curl
E computed in say Cartesian coordinate system is just a non-physical artifact that can be banished by use of some other coordinate system. In which case we fundamentally disagree on some basics here.
What you mean by "locally"? As usually understood, every spacetime is locally Minkowskian except at singularities and therefore spatial slices (whether isochronous or not) are locally Euclidean. If you allow "locally" to include less local measures then you will soon have locally non-Euclidean (or non-Minkowskian) geometries in every curved space (or spacetime).
Well you quote me later on as explaining just what was meant by locally.
Q-reeus: "And that Weyl curvature is an intensive property existing 'at a point' thus having local existence."
Mikko: "Indeed. It all depends on how one interpreters "local". As a first approximation the space is Euclidean (or spacetime Minkowskian) and Cotton (or Weyl) tensor cannot be measured. As a second approximation they and other curvature tensors can be measured, and flatness and conformal flatnes become meaningful questions."
Yes and no and maybe with you it seems - I honestly cannot discern a consistent position.
Q-reeus: "Which via elementary geometric reasoning automatically implies conformal flatness = zero Weyl curvature actual."
Mikko: "That is true with four (or more) dimensions but not with three (or less). Note that in Swatzschild's metric the Weyl tensor is non-zero and the spacetime is not conformally flat."
Have already commented on last bit, and as for 3D vs 4D, well SM or ISM line element has four metric components - one temporal and three spatial.
Q-reeus: "But in SM case that same locally spherical wsavefront is determined to be oblate spheroidal (oblate axis directed radially from central gravitating mass source) by that same coordinate observer."
Mikko: "It starts as spherical in the sense that its physical size is the same in all dimensions. There are no coordinate observers as coordinates are unphysical and therefore not physically observable. Of course, if the coordinates are attached to physical phenomena, those phenomena can be observable but they are equally observable when coordinates are defined differently."
Of course there are coordinate observers - that concept is used all the time in mainstream GR articles. And equally such cannot by definition be locally measuring distant phenomena. That's what SM is all about - telling one what a coordinate observer must infer as to how spherically symmetric static gravity distorts spacetime from Euclidean.
Given transverse metric components are 'Euclidean' in SM, coordinate oblateness of initial wavefront does automatically imply non-Euclidean local geometry - non-zero Weyl curvature for SM. Conversely coordinate predicted initially spherical wavefront in ISM automatically implies the opposite - zero Weyl curvature. Which prediction is imo an actual artifact of SM ->ISM transformation. And this is becoming repetitious.
Not true. Whether the geometry is locally Euclidean or not depends on how locally you examine it (unless the space really is Euclidean). For example, the surface of a sphere is conformally flat but non-Euclidean (unless oserved too locally).
We have already gone over that issue via examples and analogies (and again above), hence this is going in circles.
As long as you need to say "or" you don't understand the situation sufficiently well. Anyway, it is easy to prove that they are equivalent.
I disagree. That 'or' means either case renders ISM useless as argument against paradox appearing in SM. It doesn't matter which position one takes. And given you claim as per title that "any spherically symmetric space is conformally flat", yet simultaneously acknowledge above "...Note that in Swatzschild's metric the Weyl tensor is non-zero and the spacetime is not conformally flat.", I am grappling with a cloud so to speak.
If spheres are too tricky, someting else might be more convincing. Sum of angles of a triangle is another demonstration of curvature. In order to prove that two presentations do not present the same space (or spacetime) it is sufficient to calculate some observable in both and get a different value. The hardest part is to prove that the calculated thing is the same in both cases, which may involve claculation of related observables and getting the same value. Good observables include angles, distances, curvature tensors, and for spacetime durations and speeds.
Will look at getting specific results for radial parameter-to-circumference ratios. Whether or not such confirms or undermines actual equivalence of SM and ISM, that will not and cannot overturn that paradox is present using SM "the unique solution of EFE's for spherically symmetric static mass distribution." - as declared for instance in the two lines below (1.4), top of p5 here:
http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/di ... TEXT01.pdfAnd many other such mainstream GR articles say the same.
Hence if paradox exists in SM setting, which for sure is so, SM and GR go down together. And repeated below since evidently continued repetition is needed here.
Coordinates are unphysical so the choice of coordinates cannot have physical consequences.
And as stated before I say the logical resolution is that SM <-> ISM transformation is a fairly meaningless and misleading formalism that simply allows a nominal 1:1 correspondence for and strictly at any chosen parameter r. Otherwise you have this conundrum of there being a physically real Weyl curvature and not depending on use of SM or ISM. Which is nonsense. Either Weyl or if you like Cotton curvature as proper intensive property is there or not. Just like curl or divergence in EM. And is ultimately irrelevant to thrust of my article even if not to the narrow focus of this thread.
Not at all. In order to determine whether the coordinate system is paradoxical it is useful to present the situation in another coordinate system. If the paradox disappears, one may suspect the original coordinate system, otherwise it may be better to search elsewhere.
Only if 'the chart fails to cover the manifold' to use GR parlance, in some severe 'coordinate singularity' sense as for instance standard external SM fails to handle below the imo fictitious dreaded black hole event horizon. Otherwise there is no legitimacy at all in that argument. And has nothing to do with that necessarily external and internal shell metrics are different. That applying to *any* choice of external metric be it SM, ISM, Yilmaz conformal gravity alternative, or whatever. To repeat:
It avoids that paradox existing in any supposedly sound coordinate system i.e. SM - the unique solution of EFE's for spherically symmetric static mass distribution, undermines such there and then. Period. And we are not talking about anything remotely like a so-called coordinate singularities situation such as 'black hole' 'event horizon' in SM. On the contrary the issues appear in the extreme weak gravity arena.
The rest is so far from the intended topic of this discussion that I don't want to comment.
Your choice, but imo it bears heavily on legitimacy of your position as per title.