DanielLBurnstein wrote:It is not my place to evaluate the merit of Joy Christian’s arguments against Bell’s theorem, but what is clear is the enormous amount of time and energy wasted arguing, debating, attacking and defending positions. How many years has it been?
The way I see it, if Joy Christian is satisfied with his disproof of Bell’s theorem and confident about it then he should work on something else rather than wasting even a minute in petty and useless debates. If right, his disproof will at some point it gather acceptance. The question will be settled one way or another as it always is and must be; through observations and experiments.
Even if no one actually performs the experiment proposed by Christian, other experiments will indirectly falsify or support it eventually.
The point is, Joy Christian job’s in regards to Bell’s theorem is done (unless he decides to perform the experiment himself). The time wasted on war waged to prove something that cannot be proved without experiments would have been better used working on a new problem, on doing actual physics. Anything else is in my opinion a terrible waste of talent.
The important issue for me is not so much about Bell's theorem -- which was stillborn to begin with -- but about understanding the origins of the quantum correlations. I have proved a very general theorem, which shows how ALL quantum correlations (i.e., not just the EPR-Bohm correlation) can be understood local-realistically. This theorem does point to exciting new physics, and we are working on that. But we are not ready yet to talk about that in public. The petty war of words you refer to is just a sideshow, an amusement if you like. I don't take the critics or their arguments seriously. As far as I am concerned they don't know what they are talking about.