It appears that Richard D. Gill has once again resorted to his usual, dirty, unethical tactics behind-the-scenes and is once again tying to block one of my papers from being published in Annals of Physics. Here is the "Article in Press" copy of the paper if anyone is curious to see: ... 3-2-14.pdf.
He has of course tried to block this very paper from being published in Nature before, as I have noted on this thread: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=111&p=4672#p4666.
From my comments in the above thread you can see that "thrash and steal" is the strategy Gill has frequently employed to build his career, as I have noted before:
Larsson and Gill simply stole the ideas from Hess and Philipp, after trying to thrash them first. It is as simple as that. In fact Gill’s modus operandi for his entire career has been to “thrash and steal" other people’s intellectual property, similar to the modus operandi “divide and conquer” of the colonizing Englishmen.
Here is an account by Prof. Karl Hess in his own words about how Gill harassed him and Walter Philipp for years, and tried to thrash their work before stealing it: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=49&p=2545&hilit=third+rate#p2545.
And here is an account of how Gill harassed and cyber-stalked Michel Fodje, in Michel's own words, and then tried to steal Michel's original simulation, calling it something else: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=179&start=20#p4788.
The irony is that Gill is mathematically extremely incompetent. He frequently makes very elementary mathematical mistakes, as I have pointed out in this paper in considerable detail. He has spent over nine years to understand my work based on geometric algebra but still has not understood even some of the basic concepts of geometric algebra. And he is a statistician, not a physicist, so his grasp of physics is non-existent. He tries to make up for his deficiencies and incompetence by being aggressive and deceitful, and by resorting to dirty underhand tactics behind-the-scenes, such as trying to block my papers from being published, just as he had tried in the past to block Prof. Hess's papers from being published. His decades of unethical tactics have gone unnoticed because most academics are too timid to do anything.