Possible wormhole worldlines and a universal chronology....

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Possible wormhole worldlines and a universal chronology....

Postby james.goetz » Fri Mar 24, 2017 10:15 pm

Greetings! I am inviting feedback for my working paper: "Possible wormhole worldlines and a universal chronology of quantum systems." The key words are Thought experiment; Observers; Wormholes; Worldlines; Quantum set theory.

Here is the abstract:
This four-phase thought experiment compares possible wormhole worldlines and flat Minkowski spacetime worldlines. For example, possible wormhole worldlines can connect an observer to an otherwise causally disconnected event. Also, closed timelike curves that permit rapid time travel are theoretically impossible, so possible wormhole worldlines exclude closed timelike curves. The first phase of the experiment has flat Minkowski spacetime worldlines and two observers of two causally disconnected events. The two observers detect a relativistic reversal of chronology for the two events. The second phase has the same two observers and the same two events, but adds possible wormhole worldlines between the observers and the events. This gives each observer two respective worldlines for each event. The flat Minkowski spacetime worldlines observations are the same as above with the reversal of chronology for the two events. However, in the case of possible wormhole worldlines observations, the same two observers detect the same two events without a relativistic reversal of chronology. The third and fourth phases of the experiment assume the predicate logic of quantum set theory and indicate that two durable observers in otherwise causally disconnected regions had access to an omnicluster of possible wormhole worldlines. Both observers with the omnicluster detected the same chronology for the Hilbert spacetime of every quantum system in the observable universe or multiverse. For instance, the wormhole worldlines have no universal spacetime scale and nonetheless support a universal chronology with the concepts of before, during, and after.

Here is the introduction:
1. Introduction

Einstein and Rosen [1] proposed that the field equations of general relativity (GR) predict the possibility of wormholes that connect otherwise causally disconnected regions in the spacetime universe. Later developments of wormhole theory include traversable wormholes [2, 3]. Additional critiques indicate the theoretical impossibility of wormholes with a closed timelike curve that would permit rapid time travel [4, 5]. This article analyzes a thought experiment with two causally disconnected observers, two causally disconnected events, and wormhole worldlines that are theoretically possible. For example, this experiment focuses on what I call possible wormhole worldlines; while possible wormhole worldlines exclude impossible closed timelike curves that would permit time rapid travel into the past or future.
The thought experiment compares possible wormhole worldlines and flat Minkowski spacetime worldlines. For example, Einstein [6] proposed special relativity (SR) and GR. SR refuted the possibility of a preferred reference for a universal chronology proposed by Lorentz [7]. Beyond that, GR incorporates Riemannian geometry and indicates infinite ways to define spacetime coordinates and frames of references. This all the more supposedly disproved the possibility for any concept of a universal chronology. However, GR also predicts possible wormhole worldlines that can connect an observer to an otherwise causally disconnected event. Also, this experiment assumes the context of quantum logic formulated into quantum set theory (QST) by Takeuti [8] and Ozawa [9, 10].
In the rest of this paper, Section 2 describes the elements of the thought experiment that include (I) observers and worldlines, (II) the predicate logic of QST, and (III) a Hilbert spacetime coordinate grid and the Hilbert spacetime of quantum systems; Section 3 outlines the four-phase thought experiment; Section 4 analysis indicates that the experiment coherently models relativity and a universal chronology of quantum systems; Section 5 discusses logical spacetime problems with the Copenhagen interpretation and the many-worlds interpretation (MWI); Section 6 concludes.

My complete working paper is available at PhilPapers https://philpapers.org/archive/JAMPWW.pdf and my session at Academia https://www.academia.edu/s/9808bd3d53/possible-wormhole-worldlines-and-a-universal-chronology-of-quantum-systems-working-paper.

Thank you for your consideration.
Posts: 12
Joined: Fri Mar 24, 2017 9:38 pm

Re: Possible wormhole worldlines and a universal chronology.

Postby james.goetz » Fri Apr 07, 2017 11:19 pm

I made some revisions to my working paper available at PhilPapers https://philpapers.org/archive/JAMPWW.pdf and my session at Academia https://www.academia.edu/s/9808bd3d53/possible-wormhole-worldlines-and-a-universal-chronology-of-quantum-systems-working-paper.

Thank you for your consideration.

Posts: 12
Joined: Fri Mar 24, 2017 9:38 pm

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