[preprint] ERM phase transforms (decay) of the neutron

Foundations of physics and/or philosophy of physics, and in particular, posts on unresolved or controversial issues

[preprint] ERM phase transforms (decay) of the neutron

Postby lkcl » Sat Jun 30, 2018 2:52 am

https://www.researchgate.net/publicatio ... sformation

i've been looking for several years now for a phase-transform pattern within the rules of the Extended Rishon Model that fit the known data. until the higgs concept was explored (and accepted... admittedly even by me) it was simpy not possible to fit the observed behaviour of particles in a neutron decay to the ERM's rules.

the above paper *finally* achieves that goal. i would greatly appreciate some feedback and questions that would help clarify what is going on.

the fundamental basis of the ERM is that all particles are made of elliptically-polarised monochromatic circular self-standing-wave superimposed photons, where the elliptical polarisation axis has a DIRECT correlation with the 12 "base" particles that we know (up down quarks of both left and right and anti types, plus neutrino and electron and anti types). compound superpositions of these 12 make up the larger quarks and families, all of which obeys Maxwell's Equations and Maxwell's Equations ALONE. no laws other than the conservation of energy, no other forces are "required". there is no weak force, no strong force: there is *only* Maxwell's Equations.

it's quite compelling, taking occam's razor to the extreme logical conclusion.

now, if there is only Maxwell's Equations, and all particles are elliptically-polarised photons, particles (photons) may interact through Phasor maths, Jones Matrices and so on, and Spherical Harmonics take on a whole new significance and relevance.

for superposition of waves to make "sense", i.e. for their summation to result in "meaningful decay byproducts", it's really REALLY important that not only the frequency be the same, but also the MAGNITUDE of the waves involved be the same.

all previous efforts that i made to do the superpositions - the "rules" involved in phase-changes (aka "decays") - did NOT properly take the frequency (radius of the particle) into account. there were... anomalies, where i had tried to involve one particle at a lower "frequency" (radius) with another particle at a higher "frequency" (radius).

finally though - AT LAST - by introducing the Higgs family into the equation(s) - things seem to be working out. the stages go as follows:

  • the neutron "jumps" - just like an electron jumps to a higher energy "orbit" - to a Higgs0 126.0GeV "orbit".
  • the neutron emits a W- Boson (which is actually a pion) and in the process turns into a Higgs+ (125.3GeV)
  • the Higgs+ "drops" down from a higher-energy orbit (radius) to a lower one, becoming a PROTON.
  • the W- Boson *ALSO* drops down from the higher-energy orbit (radius) but it gets itself into a pickle and "decays" to two particles, an electron and anti-neutrino

the second stage simply would not be possible - is completely impractical and implausible - if the particles were not at similar energy levels. put simpy: a neutron CANNOT emit a W- Boson, but an ultra-neutron (aka "Higgs0") *CAN*. think about it: what the hell is a 0.9GeV particle doing emitting an 80GeV particle??? where in seven hells is that energy coming from?? but a 126.0 GeV particle emitting an 80GeV one? yeah that's quite plausible.

but the rules of the ERM go a little further than that: they specifically make it clear that phase-shifts may only occur between constituents of *exactly* the same frequency (and magnitude). and that's what the article explores and makes clear... at least i hope so.

some feedback greatly appreciated.
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