One of my last comments on Esail's paper was on Fri Jun 04, 2021 5:16 am:
"Why does Esail think that this is a local method? I suspect that it is something to do with interpretations of what is going on with polarisation effects at the detectors. IMO what happens at the detectors is not spooky and cannot be used to insert the spooky QM entanglement effect via a side door. The method is clearly non-local but I like the paper anyway."
And on Mon 7 June I wrote:
"Esail changes an expected particle polarisation before measurement by Bob from beta to alpha. This effectively enforces a Malus angle of alpha-beta on the experiment and converts a Bell into a Malus experiment. But I like this image as it is a way to think of what QM may be doing in its spooky action at a distance."
Back in May when this thread started I did no understand Esail's paper. But on further reading and thought realised that his paper was in some ways a twin of my retrocausal paper but of course with different mechanisms. If Alice makes the first measurement then Bob measures the partner particle having 'apparently' spookily changed to have its polarisation angle before measurement equal (or exactly opposite) to Alice's particle's polarisation vector. And that polarisation is alpha or -alpha for all particles. This reduces the Bell calculation to two simultaneous Malus calculations combined.
I continued thinking about why Esail sees his method as local. I see my retrocausal method as local but only local if one can accept the positron travelling backwards in time at less than speed c. In the retrocausal method the two particles in a pair are never spookily entangled.
I have always considered spooky entanglement to be a fiction, but I am getting less sure now. The reason for that is because my retrocausal method depends on the particles having their own spacetimes. The universe has its own spacetime which has the same nature as the electron spacetime but different from the positron spacetime. At a measurement the positron space (or wavefunction) collapses to a point and then starts expanding again. This is similar to a change of cycle in Penrose's cyclical conformal cosmology. {But note that if CCC collapse parallels chaotic wavefunction collapse, I doubt that the CCC collapse needs to be conformal.}
The next part is not relevant to my retrocausal model where there is no spooky entanglement but it is relevant to QM spooky action at a distance and to Esail's method. QM entanglement presumably has [in my own re-interpretation] a combined spacetime for the electron and positron. The collapse of the say positron space is connected to the collapse of the electron space. But this collapse takes place in the spacetimes of the two particles and not in the spacetime of the universe.
In the CCC model the end of cycle is associated with a loss of metric of the universe and the metric restarts at a point. So what happens to speed c at this breakdown of the metric of both time and space. And within the particles' spacetimes, I am assuming that the collapse may happen faster within the particles' breakdown than is possible in the universe's metric. Further there is no certainty that the speed of communication (whatever communication that might be) within the electron is limited to speed c even at mid-cycle c.f. Penrose's CCC.
So I am beginning to think that Esail's method could be 'apparent' but not real action at a distance? And spooky entanglement becomes only 'apparently' spooky entanglement. But it may be a lot more spooky than I have normally thought.
I much prefer the retrocausality mechanism, though, as that ties in with my dark energy and dark matter models.
See my relevant papers for more information. Antiparticles and the Nature of Space Malus’s Law and Bell’s Theorem with Local Hidden Variables Pseudo-Random Data Testing The Scales Used In Rasch Pairs Analysis/ Adaptive Comparative Judgement
(The third paper shows how a metric can break down under certain condition not unlike how the metric at the end of a CCC cycle could breakdown)