gill1109 wrote:My bet with J. Christian concerning Christian's experiment is cancelled. However one bet, or rather, one open challenge, remains open. It is to generate two computer files of directions of angular momentum such that ... [I will copy the exact specification, from the old bet topic, to this new one, later. Essentially - by simulation of Christian's model or experiment or whatever - win the now cancelled personal, two-sided, bet about the experiment "in silico", on Christian's behalf.]
You could say: establish "proof of concept" thereby motivating experimentalists to go ahead and do the real thing. Show that it is possible that data really could be generated leading to the famous four "quantum correlations" +/- 0.7071 within an incredibly generous margin of +/- 0.2.
Till June 11 a winning submission gets 10 000 Euros from me. Thereafter, 5 000.
Joy Christian wrote:gill1109 wrote:My bet with J. Christian concerning Christian's experiment is cancelled. However one bet, or rather, one open challenge, remains open. It is to generate two computer files of directions of angular momentum such that ... [I will copy the exact specification, from the old bet topic, to this new one, later. Essentially - by simulation of Christian's model or experiment or whatever - win the now cancelled personal, two-sided, bet about the experiment "in silico", on Christian's behalf.]
You could say: establish "proof of concept" thereby motivating experimentalists to go ahead and do the real thing. Show that it is possible that data really could be generated leading to the famous four "quantum correlations" +/- 0.7071 within an incredibly generous margin of +/- 0.2.
Till June 11 a winning submission gets 10 000 Euros from me. Thereafter, 5 000.
I have already won this offer of 10,000 Euros by Richard Gill.
I won his offer of 10,000 Euros yesterday by producing this simulation: It generates the 2 x N vectors, e_k and –e_k, which necessitate the strong correlation unambiguously, for any two freely chosen measurement directions “a” and “b”.
It is pretty clear from the incontrovertible evidence presented in this simulation that when my proposed experiment is realized it will undoubtedly produce the same strong correlation, with e_k and -e_k as spin directions observed by Alice and Bob (respectively).
I think Richard Gill is smart enough to recognize the evidence I have presented and wise enough to realize the inevitability of seeing the strong correlation in my proposed experiment. He has therefore backed-off from the bet which he cannot possibly win. It is of course wiser to retreat than to be humiliated.
With my main opponent defeated, it is now time to get on with real physics, in both theoretical and experimental direction. There is much work to be done.
For further details, please see my recent posts on FQXi, where I have refuted his supposed calculations of my correlations by redoing his calculations correctly.
FrediFizzx wrote:Congrats to Joy for winning this bet! But then it is very easy to beat CHSH especially after we have shown it to be a fraud on this forum. I would imagine Richard doesn't feel so confident now about the bet on the experiment.
FrediFizzx wrote:"So I think Joy's announcement that he has won is premature and your congratulations to him possibly premature also."
You have never ever made a premature announcement that you have won? LOL! And... you are the one that is always bringing up CHSH. Easy to see that Joy has beat "your" version hands down.
gill1109 wrote:To give an example of the difference between claiming and gaining victory.
It is the Olympic games. The men's 100 meter sprint.
10 meters from the finishing line, the guy who is in front, top athlete J Christian, stops running and steps to one side and says "I have clearly won: at 90 meters, I was two meters ahead of the nearest competitor".
Does he get a gold medal? (Even if what he said was actually true, according to the video footage of the race).
Do we think this guy is incredibly smart?
(I call this premature ejaculation, sorry for the awful innuendo)
FrediFizzx wrote:Congrats to Joy for winning this bet! But then it is very easy to beat CHSH especially after we have shown it to be a fraud on this forum. I would imagine Richard doesn't feel so confident now about the bet on the experiment.
gill1109 wrote:Sorry, but I've put Joy Christian on my list of "foes" so I don't see his postings here unless I take extra action. When he's posted a computer file of directions on internet, he can personally email me the URL. Or somebody else can let me know.
minkwe wrote:gill1109 wrote:Sorry, but I've put Joy Christian on my list of "foes" so I don't see his postings here unless I take extra action. When he's posted a computer file of directions on internet, he can personally email me the URL. Or somebody else can let me know.
We've seen statements like this in the past. We know how long the tantrum will last. Joy's R-code is very clear. You do not say what is wrong with it. First it was the suggestion that 'b' was fixed at 0, which was swiftly snuffed, then the suggestion that "good" was doing some magic. That too was swiftly snuffed. Then next was the suggestion that Joy had produced a curve rather than a surface. That line of argument was long abandoned. All of a sudden the master of R is no longer interested in R but in two separate files and a different method of calculation. As I suggested all along, the real issue is not whether Joy can reproduce QM correlations, Richard's real interest is in playing games with method of calculation, as we've already established elsewhere.
Some questions are begging to be asked:
1) Is Joy's simulation local-realistic or not? If not state precisely where in the code.
2) Does any of the correlations E(a,b) deviate from the QM prediction by more than 0.2 or not? (Simply look at the plot. or point out precisely why you believe the calculation of the plot is in error, the code is public).
I suspect you won't answer these questions. I suspect you would resort to a different method of calculation, and blame Joy for the failure of your method to reproduce the results/calculation he has posted in the open. Not only that, I suspect you will then claim that Joy has agreed to your method, and you will then try to deflect by accusing me of not having read Joy's paper. But the above questions will remain as a dark cloud over your head, and you will know it is there, and it will bother you until you address them.
minkwe wrote:2) Does any of the correlations E(a,b) deviate from the QM prediction by more than 0.2 or not? (Simply look at the plot. or point out precisely why you believe the calculation of the plot is in error, the code is public).
for (i in 1:(K - 1)) {
alpha <- angles[i]
a <- c(cos(alpha), sin(alpha)) ## Measurement vector 'a'
for (j in 1:(K - 1)) {
beta <- angles[j]
b <- c(cos(beta), sin(beta)) ## Measurement vector 'b'
ca <- colSums(e * a) ## Inner products of cols of 'e' with 'a'
cb <- colSums(e * b) ## Inner products of cols of 'e' with 'b'
N <- length(ca)
corrs[i] <- sum(sign(-ca) * sign(cb))/N
Ns[i] <- N
Heinera wrote:First the code loops on i (the alpha angles), and then on j (the beta angles).
But the assignment to the correlations corrs[i] within the j-loop only has one index i. So for each new value of j, the previous assignment to corrs[i] is simply forgotten and overwritten. So at the end of the loop, we end up with corrs[i] dependent only on angles[K-1] (the last assignment to beta). All other values of beta are irrelevant. Agree?
minkwe wrote:Heinera wrote:First the code loops on i (the alpha angles), and then on j (the beta angles).
But the assignment to the correlations corrs[i] within the j-loop only has one index i. So for each new value of j, the previous assignment to corrs[i] is simply forgotten and overwritten. So at the end of the loop, we end up with corrs[i] dependent only on angles[K-1] (the last assignment to beta). All other values of beta are irrelevant. Agree?
That is a fair criticism.
Joy Christian wrote:minkwe wrote:Heinera wrote:First the code loops on i (the alpha angles), and then on j (the beta angles).
But the assignment to the correlations corrs[i] within the j-loop only has one index i. So for each new value of j, the previous assignment to corrs[i] is simply forgotten and overwritten. So at the end of the loop, we end up with corrs[i] dependent only on angles[K-1] (the last assignment to beta). All other values of beta are irrelevant. Agree?
That is a fair criticism.
How is this equivalent to "b" being fixed? It seems to me that the last assignment of beta can take any value.
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