gill1109 wrote:If u and v are just different names for the same spin direction, then please delete the superfluous items from the files, and claim your 10 000 Euro.
Joy Christian wrote:
In addition to these simulations, I have recently won the 10,000 Euros offered by Richard Gill for theoretically producing the 2n angular momentum vectors, and , appearing in the equation (16) of my proposed experiment (see also this page). He had claimed that it was mathematically impossible to produce such 2n vectors and had challenged me to produce them as a "proof of concept" for my proposed experiment. I defeated his challenge on the 3rd of May 2014 by explicitly producing the 2n vectors in these two simulations.
It is very important to note that in the second simulation above I have used vectors defined by the ordered set
for calculating the first two of the four correlations in the simulation,
and vectors defined by the ordered set
for calculating the last two of the four correlations in the simulation.
Richard Gill claims that these sets of vectors specify different sets of directions in the physical space. But evidently they specify exactly the same set of directions in the physical space. They both define a unique distribution of points on a circle of radius . This should be quite easy for any mathematician to see, by
simply noting that .
and are thus different names of one and the same spin direction (say ) in the physical space.
gill1109 wrote:I don't listen to someone who shouts at me.
Joy Christian wrote:Page 4 of my experimental paper contains only two unambiguous equations:
Here it is important to recall thatgill1109 wrote:
The experimental paper, page 4, states that we then calculate 1/N sum_j sign(a . lambda_j ) sign(b . -lambda_j).
...the vectors a, b, lambda_j, -lambda_j [are] unit vectors in R^3, the dot signified the usual scalar product, and sign [means] sign.
Note: There is only one correlation function, E(a, b), in equation (16), not four.
An introductory paragraph of the paper exposes the ambiguity in Bell's observables:
The following statement on my blog spells out the resolution of the Gill challenge:Joy Christian wrote:
In addition to these simulations, I have recently won the 10,000 Euros offered by Richard Gill for theoretically producing the 2n angular momentum vectors, and , appearing in the equation (16) of my proposed experiment (see also this page). He had claimed that it was mathematically impossible to produce such 2n vectors and had challenged me to produce them as a "proof of concept" for my proposed experiment. I defeated his challenge on the 3rd of May 2014 by explicitly producing the 2n vectors in these two simulations.
It is very important to note that in the second simulation above I have used vectors defined by the ordered set
for calculating the first two of the four correlations in the simulation,
and vectors defined by the ordered set
for calculating the last two of the four correlations in the simulation.
Richard Gill claims that these sets of vectors specify different sets of directions in the physical space. But evidently they specify exactly the same set of directions in the physical space. They both define a unique distribution of points on a circle of radius . This should be quite easy for any mathematician to see, by
simply noting that .
and are thus different names of one and the same spin direction (say ) in the physical space.
gill1109 wrote:Please show us how you would now compute, say, E(23, 40). ie pick any two other alpha, beta, and show us the quantum correlation E(alpha, beta).
gill1109 wrote:Please extend your script with a calculation of all of these (1 + 360 / 5)^2 pairs of measurement directions.
Joy Christian wrote:gill1109 wrote:Please extend your script with a calculation of all of these (1 + 360 / 5)^2 pairs of measurement directions.
Is this a new rule added to the challenge? The N^th rule? Does N have an upper bound?
You were obviously never serious about the challenge. To realize that, go back to the very first time you set out the rules of the challenge. Then follow through all of your hundreds of posts about the challenge to see how many times you have added a new rule, or twisted the existing ones. It will be quite an eye opening exercise.
gill1109 wrote:I was always serious. I always knew that the challenge could not be won and at last you seem to have realised that I was right. The challenge was to create two data-files which would "win" the experimental bet. For this purpose, it turned out that your instructions to the experimenter's IT team were ambiguous, to put it kindly. It seems now that you repudiate the earlier "naive" interpretation (real vectors, ordinary dot product ...), which you earlier seemed to agree with; but we have made a lot of progress: page four of the experimental paper needs to be expanded.
gill1109 wrote:But now to the future. New topic. New question.How do you compute E(a, b) for an arbitrary a, b different from the four pairs considered in your R script?
I think it's a sensible, natural, scientific, question.
gill1109 wrote:Equation (16) is E(a, b) = 1/N sum_{j = 1}^N {sign (λj · a)} {sign(−λj · b)}
So: are a, b and λj unit vectors in R^3 ?
Is "." the scalar dot product?
Is "sign" the usual sign function?
Is everything else ordinary arithmetic?
If not, please explain what they are, instead.
Secondly, please explain how to compute (16) when the input data are the two files produced in your latest simulation, which each contain pairs of directions. Your R script does not use formula (16). Instead, it uses Alice's setting a in order to determine whether to use Bob's directions u or v.
gill1109 wrote:Secondly, please explain how to compute (16) when the input data are the two files produced in your latest simulation, which each contain pairs of directions. Your R script does not use formula (16). Instead, it uses Alice's setting a in order to determine whether to use Bob's directions u or v.
Joy Christian wrote:gill1109 wrote:Equation (16) is E(a, b) = 1/N sum_{j = 1}^N {sign (λj · a)} {sign(−λj · b)}
So: are a, b and λj unit vectors in R^3 ?
Is "." the scalar dot product?
Is "sign" the usual sign function?
Is everything else ordinary arithmetic?
If not, please explain what they are, instead.
Secondly, please explain how to compute (16) when the input data are the two files produced in your latest simulation, which each contain pairs of directions. Your R script does not use formula (16). Instead, it uses Alice's setting a in order to determine whether to use Bob's directions u or v.
Are a, b and λj unit vectors in R^3 ?
Is "." the scalar dot product?
Is "sign" the usual sign function?
Is everything else ordinary arithmetic?
The calculations in the above simulation are quite transparent. As I said in my previous reply, you have to distinguish between the experimental procedure from the theoretical generation of the N vectors being used in this particular simulation. Here we are trying to imitate Nature. This simulation is not Nature herself. It is a numerical model of an experiment that is supposed to test a theoretical model of Nature. Therefore, for this particular set of theoretically generated N vectors, the first two correlations have to be calculated using the right-handed basis, and the last two correlations have to be calculated using the left-handed basis. If you see this as a deficiency, then it is a deficiency of this particular simulation, and not a deficiency of Nature herself. Read my previous reply again to get my point.
gill1109 wrote:Secondly, please explain how to compute (16) when the input data are the two files produced in your latest simulation, which each contain pairs of directions. Your R script does not use formula (16). Instead, it uses Alice's setting a in order to determine whether to use Bob's directions u or v.
gill1109 wrote:[You did not answer my second question:gill1109 wrote:Secondly, please explain how to compute (16) when the input data are the two files produced in your latest simulation, which each contain pairs of directions. Your R script does not use formula (16). Instead, it uses Alice's setting a in order to determine whether to use Bob's directions u or v.
In other words: take the two data sets coming from your simulation. Can you use the same two data sets to calculate other correlations E(a, b)? If so, how?
Joy Christian wrote:gill1109 wrote:You did not answer my second question:gill1109 wrote:Secondly, please explain how to compute (16) when the input data are the two files produced in your latest simulation, which each contain pairs of directions. Your R script does not use formula (16). Instead, it uses Alice's setting a in order to determine whether to use Bob's directions u or v.
In other words: take the two data sets coming from your simulation. Can you use the same two data sets to calculate other correlations E(a, b)? If so, how?
No, I cannot. That was not the purpose of this particular simulation. The purpose was simply to meet the conditions of the challenge (which, in my opinion, I have).
gill1109 wrote:It seems that you claim that Nature might generate two data-sets which can be succesfully processed using formula (16) while a computer simulation cannot do that; at least, so far, you did not succeed in finding one which works.
gill1109 wrote:In other words, you cannot win the challenge about the data set simulation, according to my rigid interpretation of (16), but you could win the bet about the results of a real experiment, data analysed according to the rigid interpretation of (16).
gill1109 wrote:As far as I am concerned, we can re-instate the bet now (if you are also prepared to possibly *lose* 5 000 Euro) since all ambiguities about the post-processing of the data have been resolved.
Heinera wrote:I still feel there is a question left to be resolved here: From the two lists of vectors generated by the eperiment, are we or are we not allowed to compute several correlations corresponding to different detector settings on the same lists? And if not, who shall decide which detector settings can be used?
gill1109 wrote:Heinera wrote:I still feel there is a question left to be resolved here: From the two lists of vectors generated by the eperiment, are we or are we not allowed to compute several correlations corresponding to different detector settings on the same lists? And if not, who shall decide which detector settings can be used?
Seems to me there is no ambiguity. We can compute as many correlations we like according to whatever detector settings we like from the two lists. For the challenge and the bet, we focussed on two particular settings for Alice and two for Bob. But the experimental paper (page 4) makes clear that the same collection of videos of N exploding balls is used for calculating all possible correlations.
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