I have today put a paper onto the vixra website at: http://vixra.org/abs/1511.0115
Title: Hexark and Preon Model #7: for Standard Model elementary particles, Higgs, Gravitons, Dark Energy and Dark Matter
Abstract: This paper shows a model for building all elementary particles of the Standard Model plus the higgs, dark matter and gravitons, out of preons and sub-preons. The preons are built from string-like hexarks each with chiral values for the fundamental properties of elementary particles. Hexark colour and tone completely determine particle colour charge and electric charge. Gravitons occur in three generations: the first generation graviton is colourless and gives rise to dark energy. The third generation gravitons are coloured with colour-anticolour, like the gluon, and give rise to a generally attractive but very weak force over an inter-galactic range, just as the gluon gives a generally attractive but much stronger force over a much shorter distance. The third generation higgs, recently discovered, also has colour-anticolour. Model #7 replaces the old Model #6 of May 2015 which did not cater for the graviton.
Some more web links for my preon model:
quantum gravity vixra paper: http://vixra.org/abs/1510.0338
quantum gravity page on this website : viewtopic.php?f=6&t=211
Preon model #6 page on this website: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=161
old preon model #6 vixra paper: http://vixra.org/abs/1505.0076
one page summary of gravitons on my wordpress website: http://wp.me/p18gTT-4L
I am already at work amending the model, to a new #8, to allow a strong colour binding of preon to preon within an elementary particle. That means amending the structure of every preon, while retaining the ability of the preons to build all the elementary particles.
BTW, the preon model is a hidden variable model. LH and RH particles are supposed in QM to represent unphysical particles, while physical elementary particles are superpositions of LH and RH particles. But I seem to have built a comprehensive array of elementary particles out of LH and RH forms where these LH and RH forms have conservation of structure inbetween interactions.
Model #7 was required because preon D in Model #6 was inadequate to make the first generation graviton, 1/4 G, using only four preons. So preon D was replaced by preon E which is much more in line with the properties of 'half an up quark'. I pushed on fast with the gravitation vixra paper last month as I had a strong feeling someone might beat me to publishing the idea of a colour-anticolor graviton. And the Model #7 vixra paper has tidied up and published the new structures including the new preon E.