The statistician Richard D. Gill of Leiden University has been forced to publicly apologize to me by the journal Entropy. It is a rather small victory for me, considering the ten years of harassment I have endured. But still, it is something. The apology is published as a correction to one of Gill's papers in Entropy (linked below). His paper contains a huge number of incorrect claims about me and my work, but, apparently, there is no law in academia against making such false claims:
His apology reads as follows:

The following was my complaint to Entropy. I have censored the last sentence of it because it makes some personal comments about Gill's character that are not suitable for this forum:
On Thu, Feb 20, 2020, Joy Christian wrote:
Dear Professor Knuth,
I am writing about one of the papers recently published in your journal Entropy by the author Richard D. Gill. Namely, this paper:
The paper is a critique of my work of the past thirteen years, but does not cite the following three papers of mine that have already addressed the issues raised by Gill:
(1) Refutation of Richard Gill's Argument Against my Disproof of Bell's Theorem:
(2) Macroscopic Observability of Fermionic Sign Changes: A Reply to Gill:
(3) ... ls_Theorem
Apart from this, Gill’s paper is of extremely poor quality and contains numerous mathematical and conceptual mistakes.
More seriously, it contains several ad hominem attacks on me as well as on the editorial boards of the journals Royal Society Open Science and IEEE Access in which two of my papers are recently published. Gill’s paper reads like a tabloid newspaper rather than a serious scholarly article. It is extraordinary that your journal has published such a poor-quality paper.
Much more seriously, Gill’s paper contains defamatory and libelous claims. He claims that I stole his computer code and he wrote to Royal Society Open Science about it. Neither of these claims is true.
Many other personal attacks on me in his paper are also not true. In fact, they are demonstrably false.
In any case, unless Gill’s paper is retracted from Entropy, I will be forced to launch legal action against the journal, based on defamation by publishing libelous smear.
You may not be aware of the fact that Richard D. Gill ... (personal comments censored by me for this forum).
Joy Christian